There are a number of people who easily forget WhatsApp. Have read a message but forgot to reply or actually forgot to read an important message. Here are some important tips for forgetfulness.
Compiled by us from various sources, on Wednesday (16/6/2021), here are some important tips so that you don’t easily forget messages on WhatsApp.
5 WhatsApp tips for those who easily forget:
1. Mark the message to reply
If you forget to reply to a message on WhatsApp, it is better to mark it as unread. The point is that there is a special sign that this message needs your attention in return.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp, see the Chat list> Long press the contact whose chat you want to mark> Press three dots on the Menu> Select Mark as Unread
A green circle will appear in the chat you want to mark.
2. Important chats are always on top
Sometimes, we forget to reply to messages because they accumulate with hundreds of other incoming messages. As a result, chat with certain important people, so they are not healthy and we have to scroll to find them again.
To avoid this, post important chats so that they are always on top, so you don’t forget to respond.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp> Select a chat from the intended contact> Long press until the menu exits> Select the pin icon.
Chats from the intended contact will always be at the top of the WhatsApp chat list.
3. Backup Chat
In order for you not to lose a chat, if for example your mobile phone is lost or you change gadgets, you should back up your chats. Usually, this backup is done automatically, but you can do it manually.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp, press the three dots in the top right and go to Settings> Select Chat> Select Chat Suggestions.
4. Mark important messages
Some messages on WhatsApp are of course very important to us, as they contain valuable information from friends or relatives. In order not to forget, mark this message with a star.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp> Select Chat with the intended contact> Select the specific message in the chat that you want to mark> Long press to exit the menu> Select the asterisk
Important messages are now starred. You can find it directly from Starred Messages.
Here's how: From WhatsApp press the three dots in the upper right> Select Starred Messages.
All important messages marked with an asterisk will appear here.
5. Shortcuts to specific chats
There may be a number of people you communicate with often, or it is very important to communicate with them. To make it easier, just create a shortcut to chat.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp> Select Chat and long press> Select Add Chat Shortcut
Once selected, chat will appear on your phone's Home Screen.
6. Custom notifications
There may be a chat or a specific person you are looking forward to. While at the same time there are hundreds of other chats coming into your WhatsApp. So that you don’t forget or miss out, it’s a good idea to give some important contacts a special notification tone that is different from the usual.
Here's how: Open WhatsApp> Select the Chat in question> Press the contact's name> Check the Use Special Notifications box> Choose the Notification Tone according to your taste.
If a notification sound then appears, you know from whom the message came.