An Easy Way to Upload Instagram Photos from a PC

 After a long wait, Instagram users can finally upload photos via PC. No more using complicated methods, here’s how to upload Instagram photos directly from your computer.
To date, Instagram does not provide the option to upload photos directly from a PC. Users who want to upload photos from a PC must use complicated methods, for example, having to explore developer tools in a browser first, using an emulator, or other third -party tool.

But now, Instagram users on PCs don’t have to go through a dizzying way. Social media consultant Matt Navarra found that Instagram is testing the option to upload photos and videos via PC on a limited basis.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed that Instagram is currently testing the feature with a handful of users. This option is only launched now because during this epidemic many users browsed Instagram through a browser on a computer.

"We know a lot of people access Instagram from their computers. To improve that experience, we're testing the option to create Feed posts on Instagram with their desktop browsers," a Facebook spokesperson told The Verge on Sunday (27/6/2021).) .

From the screenshots uploaded by Navarra, the way to upload Instagram photos via the browser looks the same as in the app. If you are one of the lucky Instagram users to get this feature, here is how to upload Instagram photos via PC:

- Open a browser on the computer, go to the Instagram page and log in to your account.

- Click the plus icon (+) in the upper right corner. This button is between the direct message icon and the compass.

- Select the photos or videos you want to upload, or drag and drop them from your computer.

- Select the size of the photo to load. There are four ratio options to choose from, namely original, square (1: 1), portrait (4: 5) and landscape (16: 9).

- Add filters and edit photos as you wish.

- Add captions, location tags, or other account tags. After that, click the Share button below to upload a photo or video to Instagram.

Currently, this feature is only accessible to a handful of Instagram users. If you are one of the selected users, you will get a pop-up notification when logged in, or look for the + icon in the top right corner.

It is not yet known when this feature will be launched to all Instagram users, so please be patient. At this time, this feature can only be used to upload photos or videos to the main feed, and cannot be used to upload Stories or Scrolls.

Instagram is indeed a bit slow in developing features for its web apps. For example, the direct order feature was only available on last year’s Instagram page.
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