This is the secret of the country that is now free from Corona


A viral video of a man stating that the epidemic is over and comparing it to other countries. Although there is a secret that they are free from COVID-19.
Indeed, seeing countries in other parts of the world that are so free from corona that they are not required to wear masks makes most people jealous. But don't just look at freedom from COVID-19, look at the efforts that have been made to get rid of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Here are some of them:

1. Australia

Australia has been locked up many times. Despite the WHO declaring COVID-19 an epidemic, the government quickly shut down access to Kangaroo Country. Shops are only open to meet food needs, masks are also very necessary.

As a result, the cases of COVID-19 in Australia were well managed, although the spread of Sars-CoV-2 there also claimed lives.

2. China

The first country where the corona epidemic appeared was protestors at the beginning of the pandemic. They even built a temporary hospital in 10 days to treat fallen coronavirus patients. The mask is worn continuously.

Now, China is 'corona' free. Even in Wuhan - where the corona was first discovered - has held a music festival.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand was one of the strictest in the early stages of dealing with COVID-19. They imposed strict lockdowns and regulations in border areas until they could be declared successful in responding to the outbreak, as reported by CNN.

To enter there, immigrants must test negative for COVID-19 via swab and undergo a 14-day quarantine before joining the community.

4. Italy

Among the countries that exempted the use of masks, Italy was initially confused. High cases put pressure on the government.

But they learn from mistakes. Quickly, Italy made the conversion. The Italian government also follows the guidelines of the technical and scientific committee. The existence of careful research helps the country evaluate the best method to get rid of COVID-19 in Italy.

This can be concluded, the efforts made by countries that are already minimal and even free from corona cases usually apply strict health protocols such as wearing masks and keeping distance. In addition, there are also strict government regulations, one of which is to close the arrival route of tourists to their country so that the number of cases can really be suppressed.

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