Israel Begins Production of World's First Synthetic Meat

As the sophistication of laboratory techniques, we see how meat is cultivated or "grown" in the laboratory and becomes everyday food. Yes, a synthetic meat factory in Israel is now starting production.
Future Meat Technologies, the company that owns the plant, is the world's first industrial production facility for livestock meat. They see it as a major stepping stone in their efforts to improve their operations.

The technology behind lab-produced meat has come a long way in recent times. The shape has evolved from the moist pork when it was first produced around a decade ago, to the thick rib eye steak in 2021.

Quoted from New Atlas, Monday (28/6/2021) most follow one of two methodologies, either using plant products as a starting material for their production, or using cells taken from living animals.

These cells are carefully maintained in bioreactors and given the same nutrients as live animals, which allows the cells to grow and multiply until they develop into edible pieces of meat.

Many startups are competing to commercialize this technology. All are slightly different in their approach, but they hope to provide solutions to the environmental and ethical problems that cloud modern meat production.

Future Meat Technologies belongs to this group, turning animal cells into edible parts using its own methods. The process does not involve genetic modification which is said to remove waste products more effectively.

They also claimed to be able to produce synthetic meat 10 times higher than the industry standard. The process also produces 80% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, uses 99% less land and 96% less fresh water than conventional meat production.

The factory has the capacity to produce 500 kg of synthetic chicken, pork and lamb per day, which is equivalent to about 5,000 burgers. In later development, they will also produce beef.
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