Scientists discuss the obstacles to finding the cause of the corona virus


The origin of the Corona virus has not been ascertained until now. Most scientists agree that COVID-19 originated in nature, some believe Wuhan laboratories are behind it. The theory of leakage from the laboratory was studied by the United States and other countries such as Britain.
In a column titled 'Viruses, origin theories, and a place for science', Hong Kong University professor Thomas Abraham reminded that tracing the origin of the virus should not be politicized because it is an obstacle to finding it.

"Political polarization will only create more obstacles to finding clear answers about the source of SARS-CoV-2," he wrote.

According to him, the hypothesis that the Corona virus was leaked or created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is favored by those who feel that China should be responsible for the Corona pandemic, however, there is absolutely no scientific evidence.

Cooperation from China is essential to truly trace where the Corona Virus originated from. "But for this to happen, politicization must be put aside and there must be room for science to do it," he said.

China seems reluctant to investigate WIV further and continues to accuse America of deliberately spreading the theory for political reasons. According to Thomas, even a country like India would not be happy if its laboratories were raided to detect the virus. Moreover, the WHO has also stated that the Corona virus is most likely of natural origin. In other words, China seems to continue to defend itself because it continues to be accused.

So far, there is absolutely no evidence that the Corona virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory. However, some believe that an investigation should be carried out.

"It is not possible to say whether the final evolution (of COVID-19) occurred in the laboratory or occurred in nature," said Stanford professor and microbiologist David Relman.

David mentions the hypothesis of a leak from the lab as a possibility. In addition, the Wuhan laboratory kept many types of Corona virus from bats, including those found in caves.

"They're not just studying viruses. They're actually collecting the largest amount of samples from nature and the greatest diversity anywhere on Earth," he said recently.
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