U.S. intelligence commissioned by president Joe Biden to prove the theory of whether the Corona COVID-19 virus leaked or was made at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Sources say that the intelligence managed to obtain vital data for the mission.
As quoted from CNN, the source stated that the intelligence obtained big data containing genetic traces from virus samples studied in Wuhan labs. If intelligence can decipher this raw data, there may be evidence of Corona from the Wuhan lab or vice versa, not originating from there.
It is unclear how U.S. agents were able to obtain this confidential information. Presumably, the machines involved in creating and processing the genetic data from this virus are connected to an external cloud server, so that it can be hacked.
There is indeed a great difficulty, which is how to turn raw data into valuable information. To do so, U.S. intelligence relies on processing by supercomputers located at the Department of Energy’s National Laboratory.
Another obstacle is human resources. Scientists not only need reliable scientists to translate genetic sequence data, they also have to master Mandarin because the information is written in that language.
"Sure there are screened scientists, but who can speak Mandarin and be trustworthy? There are very few. Besides, it's not just scientists, but biologists," a source told CNN.
U.S. intelligence alone has been given 90 days to deduce the origin of the coronavirus and the deadline is fast approaching. So far, it is not known for sure whether the Corona virus leaked from the laboratory or originated in nature, i.e. from a bat animal that then jumped to infect humans.
Due to the complexity of revealing the origins of the Corona virus, perhaps 90 days is not enough time for intelligence to unravel it so that Biden can provide an extension of time.
On the other hand, some in the US already believe in the Corona virus from the Wuhan lab even though China has repeatedly denied it. Republican politicians, for example, say that the Corona virus is made in a laboratory and China is trying to cover it up.