Last night, Xiaomi showcased its latest flagship phones and tablets, the Mi Mix 4 and Mi Pad 5. At the end of the event, Xiaomi introduced a surprise product, a four -legged robot called CyberDog.
At first glance, the CyberDog looks similar to the Spot robot made by Boston Dynamics. The spot has been on sale since last year for USD 74,500, and has been used for many tasks such as surveying dangerous landmines and helping doctors connect with patients remotely.
It is not known what the main functions of CyberDog envisioned by Xiaomi. In its official statement, Xiaomi highlighted CyberDog’s pet -like behavior, including responding to voices and following its owner like a real dog.
The concept of a robot dog that can be a pet is actually not something new, just look at the Aibo robot dog made by Sony. But CyberDog looks more futuristic and a little scary, not as cute as the Aibo.
Quoted from The Verge, Xiaomi says the CyberDog can run at a speed of 3.2 meters / second, and weighs 3 kg. These robots can also perform acrobatic movements such as somersaults.
From internally developed high -performance servos to centimeter -scale obstacle avoidance and navigation, this is all that makes the #XiaomiCyberDog a real beast.
- Xiaomi (@Xiaomi) August 10, 2021
CyberDog is powered by Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier AI platform and comes with a number of cameras and sensors that help it move autonomously. These include a touch sensor, GPS module, ultra -wide fisheye lens, and an Intel RealSense D450 camera for deep sensing.
"CyberDog can analyze its surroundings in real time, create navigation maps, plan its destination and avoid obstacles. Combined with human posture and facial detection, CyberDog can follow its owner and avoid obstacles," Xiaomi said.
CyberDog can also respond to its owner’s voice commands, including recognizing words and wake-up commands, or can be operated using a connected phone. This black robot is also equipped with three USB-C ports and one HDMI port.
Xiaomi says it will sell 1,000 units of CyberDog to Mi Fans, technicians and robot enthusiasts. The first 1,000 units will be sold for 9,999 Yuan, much cheaper than Spot.