Samsung Electronics announced that it will hold the Samsung AI Forum 2021 online via its YouTube channel for two days from November 1 to November 2.
Marking its fifth year, the forum brings together world-renowned academics and industry experts, discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and serves as a platform to exchange ideas, insights and the latest research findings, as well as a platform to discuss the future of AI.
On Day 1 organized by the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Dr. Kinam Kim, CEO of Device Solutions at Samsung Electronics, will deliver the opening remarks.
Under the theme, AI Research for Tomorrow, top AI experts will discuss various AI technologies and research directions on AI - from fundamental research to its application - including how AI research will impact other areas such as the development of new materials and semiconductors.
This year, Professor Joshua Bengio, winner of the 2018 Turing Award – often referred to as the Nobel Prize in computing – will deliver a keynote speech that will be followed by three technology sessions: Scalable and Sustainable AI Computing, AI for Scientific Discovery, and Trustworthy Computer Vision.
In particular, in this year's forum, various AI startups will provide an overview of the latest trends in advanced AI technologies and share their real business application models.
In addition, AI research leaders at SAIT will participate in the forum as speakers and give presentations on the current status and vision of Samsung AI research.
The Samsung AI Researcher of the Year 1 award, initiated last year in an effort to find emerging researchers in the AI field, will also be featured during the forum. Last year, five researchers, including Professor Kyunghyun Cho of New York University, were awarded the award.
"This year's forum will be held as a place to share the current status of AI technology research and AI applications and discuss ways to turn AI into a technology that substantially contributes to our daily lives," said Professor Bengio in a statement received by us.
The 2nd day session was guided by Samsung Research with the theme of AI in Human Life, Dr. Sebastian Seung, President and Head of Samsung Research, will deliver the opening remarks, and AI experts actively involved in AI research around the world will share knowledge about current developments in AI and future research directions that will have a significant impact on life.
The keynote will be delivered by Professor Leslie Valiant, winner of the 2010 Turing Award, from Harvard University on the integration of machine learning and inference for the next generation of AI. This event is open to anyone interested in AI. Registration via Samsung AI Forum 2021 Website until the date of each event.