The Sun Shoots The Most Powerful Beacon, Can It Get To Earth?


The most powerful and most powerful solar flare was observed erupting from the Sun on Thursday (28/10). In fact, the beacon has an impact all the way to Earth.

According to the US-owned Space Weather Prediction Center (SPWC), the most powerful solar flare was identified as class X1. The SPWC has warned all after discovering that an explosion had occurred in the Sun.

A solar flare is a powerful burst of radiation. This radiation is very dangerous, but it does not pass through the Earth's atmosphere to affect humans. For the record, if the incident is intense enough, solar flares can interfere with GPS signals and mobile communications.

The moment of the Class X solar flare caused a temporary radio blackout across the US-centered Sunlit side of the Earth.

Launching Space, Friday (10/29/2021) Space Weather said a coronal mass ejection from the flare, a large eruption of charged particles could reach Earth on Saturday or Sunday (October 30-31), which coincides with the moment of Halloween.

The eruption can make the light in the northern region of the Earth super and potentially disrupt satellite-based communications.

"POW! The sun has just produced its strongest flare," wrote NASA officials who also monitor the sun.

These solar flare levels are classified in a letter system. Class C refers to the relatively weekly occurrence, Class M is more moderate, and Class X is the strongest.

"Class X shows the most intense flare, while the number provides more information about its strength. X2 is twice as powerful as X1, X3 is three times more intense and so on. Beacons classified as X10 or stronger are considered unusually intense," NASA said. .

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