5 These Animals Are Called To Be Safe From Doomsday


Humans are always preoccupied with the thought of the end of the world. While these five living beings, from fish to insects, will most likely survive the apocalypse.

A number of disasters can destroy humanity, from nuclear war to asteroids that hit the planet. When that happens, we may not make it out alive. But these five animals, keep themselves safe.

1. Tardigrade

Tardigrade aka water bear, is called the strongest animal on Earth. Even though their body size is not more than one millimeter. Cited from National Geographic, the tardigrade is estimated to be spared from extinction for the next six billion years.

They will be safe from asteroids, as they can live in volcanic ventilation at the bottom of the ocean. Tardigrades can also survive without food or water for up to 30 years, are unaffected by extreme temperatures or radiation exposure, and can even live in space.

2. Red wood ants

Scientists have proven that redwood ants or its Latin name Formica rufa are better prepared to know if the ants among them have been infected with pathogens or viruses compared to humans. Even before a disease has spread, ants will kill their infected members.

Ants can also survive in almost all climates, including in weather such as the Sahara Desert. There are also species of water ants that live in the sea. They are connected on land and sea.

3. Mummichog

Mummichog has several different names, such as killifish or small mud fish. Some species of these fish have adapted enough to survive in rivers that are 8,000 times more toxic.

In general, these fish are very adaptable. They can live in freshwater and saltwater, and fully control their genomes. Mumichog have the ability to turn genes on and off depending on their environment.

4. Scorpions

Scorpions are very adaptable. They can survive in deserts, forests, and even mountains. According to National Geographic, researchers have frozen the scorpions overnight to see if they thawed and could survive.

Scorpions can also slow down their metabolic rate to the point where they can survive for a full year.

5. Cockroaches

Cockroaches have the ability to develop resistance to several classes of insecticides at once, so it is almost impossible to control this type of pest using only chemicals. Basically, they cannot be killed with just one type of insecticide.

In addition, cockroaches can eat anything, even rotten food. These animals have an extended immune gene. One of the strongest evidence of cockroaches is reports that the animal was seen running in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, shortly after the bombs were dropped. Some experts even prove that cockroaches can survive that much radiation.

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