Bandung-based NFT Game Targets Global Market


A crypto coin from Bandung named Bitcoinee has entered the NFT game through Koisan World, and unmitigated, they are also eyeing the global market.

Koisan World is currently available in several countries, such as Thailand, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and the Philippines. This game, which is inspired by Pokemon and Axie Infinity, has just started its pre sale on August 17, 2021.

Well, according to the CEO of Bitcoinee Coin and Koisan World Edwin Eldrich Goni, this game is challenging Axie Infinity, another NFT game that was already popular.

"In the first month of launching alone, the presale of the Koisan World NFT game has sold more than 12,500 eggs, the majority of which were taken by Axie fans," explained Edwin in a statement received by us.

"That's why we pay special attention to the Indonesian market. It's not unreasonable that a 75% subsidy is given to NFT game fans in the country until 12.12.2021 with the aim that young Indonesians participate in products made by the nation's children so that the flow of money does not always flow. abroad," he added.

According to Edwin, there is an interesting fact in this Koisan project, namely that many of its users have master's to doctoral degrees. There are even lecturers in the same class as lecturers who join this project.

"Here we see a very drastic change in mindset where the teaching staff no longer prohibits people from playing games but participates in the game," concluded Edwin.

The name Koisan World and the characters in it are inspired by the Koi Fish Lovers Community. What makes it superior, Koisan World NFT Game has several additional features that Axie does not have.

"This feature will greatly benefit its users. For example, the Bounty Bonus, Clan Rewards, and Colosseum features. In addition, Koisan World also cuts the game time, so completing a mission doesn't take long," he said.

The NFT game itself is essentially a play to earn, where players can reap the benefits of the game, which is to produce NFT assets which can later be exchanged for crypto currency and converted into real currency.

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