In August, Apple announced it would introduce additional new features for child safety on iOS devices. Where this feature will be first released on the iOS 15.2 operating system.
This feature allows iOS users, especially parents, to detect when pornographic photos are sent or received via the messaging application on the iPhone or iPad.
Explicit itself is content that is only suitable for users at the age of adults, 17 years and over, for example. Content using Explicit Content typically contains audio or visual content that is not suitable for minors.
So for example when a child receives a photo like that, the photo will be blurred and when they try to open it, they will be asked if they are sure.
It will also provide users with additional information, if the child may be too young to fully understand what type of image they are trying to open.
If the child decides to go ahead and keep the image open, their parents will be notified of the child's actions.
The same will happen if the child tries to send an explicit photo where they will receive an alert to tell them what they are going to do, and the parent will be notified about it. This feature will be turned off by default and is an opt-in.
This means it must be enabled by a parent or guardian who is part of a Family Sharing plan if they want to take full advantage of this new security feature.