There is a new Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) series that aired on Disney+, namely Hawkeye. Even though it's a new series, some of the actors use old-school phones.
Clint Barton alias Hawkeye, played by Jeremy Renner, was indeed seen using a Google Pixel 3 in the 2019 Avengers: Endgame film. However, he used the same phone again in the newly released Hawkeye series.
For your information, the Pixel 3 is a phone that was released in October 2018, so when Avengers: Endgame was released, it was still a brand new phone. But in 2021, the Pixel 3 will certainly be included in the old school phone category. What's more, the Pixel 6 has now been released, aka already three generations adrift.
But maybe it's only natural that Hawkeye doesn't use the latest cellphone, because he's definitely not a billionaire like Tony Stark, who (supposedly) could easily buy an expensive flagship phone like the Galaxy Z Fold 3 every day.
Apart from the Pixel 3, there is another Pixel series that has appeared in the Hawkeye series. That is the Pixel 4 used by Kate Bishop, who uses the Pixel 4 in Just Black and looks to be wearing a custom OS. Her mother also uses a Pixel 4 which is very visible with the orange power button.
Then why not the Pixel 6 used in this series? The answer is easy. Shooting for Hawkeye began in December 2020 and ended in April 2021. The reshoots ended last September, exactly a month before the Pixel 6 was released.
Oh yeah, why not the Pixel 5? Maybe they are reluctant to use a Pixel that doesn't use a flagship processor. As is known, the Pixel 5 does not use the Snapdragon 8 series like its other siblings, but uses the Snapdragon 765G 5G.
Neither Google, Marvel, nor Disney have revealed any collaboration in the making of this series. However, it seems that the MCU has never used Apple products in its films or series, unlike other series and films.
Usually Apple products, whether iPhone, iPad, or Mac are used in series or movies so that the logo is easily visible. So that the audience can understand if the actor is looking at a cellphone or computer.
Then in the credits at the end of the film that uses Apple products, usually the name or Apple logo is included, which means maybe Apple does give the tools needed for free, as quoted by us from Phone Arena.