WhatsApp is the most popular messaging application in the world with more than two billion users. But the Meta -owned app still lacks some important features, including the ability to send messages without saving the number as a contact.
Although this feature is very useful, for example, for contacting a business account or an account that only needs to be chatted once without having to fill out a contact. Fortunately, there are several ways you can use to send WhatsApp messages without the need to add contacts.
As reported from the Android Authority, Tuesday (30/11/2021) there are two ways that can be used to send WhatsApp chats without saving the number, namely through the click to chat feature and third party applications. Here's an explanation of the steps:
Click to chat
WhatsApp actually provides the option to send messages to numbers that are not stored in contacts. But this feature is quite complicated to use because it can not be accessed directly from the application.
The click to chat feature can be used as long as you have the phone number of the user you want to send messages to and they have a WhatsApp account. With this feature you will create a link that if opened will immediately open a new chat with the user you are going to.
Here's how to create a link to access click to chat on WhatsApp:
Open a browser on your phone or computer and type in https://wa.me/(destination phone number)
The phone number entered must include the country code and area code, without frills such as zeros, parentheses, hyphens, or plus signs.
So if you want to call a number in Indonesia, use this format: https://wa.me/628XXXXXXXXX
Press the enter key and WhatsApp will direct you to the click to chat site. Click the green button on the screen to start a chat in the WhatsApp application on your phone, desktop, or the web.
Third party applications
If the above method is too complicated, there are actually several third -party applications that offer the same functionality. But of course you have to download the application from the Google Play Store first.
One of the applications that allows you to send messages without adding a number to the contact is 'Click to chat'. The app available in the Play Store relies on the public WhatsApp API to start a chat with the phone number entered.
Here's how to use the Click to chat application to send WhatsApp messages just by entering your phone number:
Install the Click to chat app from the Google Play Store
Once the installation process is complete, open the Click to chat application
In the 'Pref' field enter the country code of the destination number. For example, for a number from Indonesia, write 62
In the 'Number' field enter the phone number after it, for example 8XXXXXXXXXX
Tap Open and the WhatsApp application will immediately open a new chat with the number you want to call.