Nostalgic Steve Jobs Boasts the First Generation iPhone


The iPhone, which has now entered the iPhone 13 model, was first introduced by the late Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007 at the MacWorld event in San Francisco, California, United States.

He said a lot at the time of its inaugural release, of course it contained praise for the iPhone which he said was very revolutionary in his time.

And indeed the arrival of the iPhone revolutionized the smartphone industry with an intuitive touch screen and an attractive application ecosystem, which later became a trend. Well, here are some interesting statements that Jobs made on the iPhone launch stage:

1. Smartphones are certainly getting smarter but more difficult to use. They are really complex. It takes time to do the basics. We don't want to do anything like that. What we do is make groundbreaking products that are much smarter than any other device ever and super easy to use. This is the iPhone.

2. What we are going to do is remove all the buttons and make the screen big. A giant screen.

3. We will use the stylus. Oh no, who wants a stylus? Nobody wants a stylus. So let's not use the stylus. We will use the best pointing device in the world. Which we are all born with in the number ten. We're going to use our fingers.

4. We will touch it with our finger. And we have discovered a phenomenal new technology called multi touch. The way it works is like magic. You don't need a stylus. It's much more accurate than any existing touchscreen. He ignores accidental touches, very clever.

5. We design something awesome. So this is how it looks. There is a 3.5 inch screen. Very large. And it's the highest resolution screen we've ever launched. 160 pixels per inch. And on the front there is only one button at the bottom. We call it the home button. Bringing you home from wherever you are. This phone is really thin. Thinner than any smartphone out there, 11.6 millimeters.

6. There's this little keyboard that's phenomenal. Can prevent errors and correct them. Typing on this keyboard is very fast. Faster than all those little plastic keyboards on all those smartphones.

7. Many of those phones, many smartphones have pretty low batteries. We managed to make a battery with a endurance of five hours, be it for talking, video or browsing. Five hours of battery life and 16 hours of audio listening. Dramatically better than other smartphones.

8. After today, I don't think anyone will look at their phone the same way again.

9. The iPhone is like having life in your pocket. This is the ultimate digital device.

That's the memorable moment 9 Steve Jobs said at the launch of the iPhone. 14 years later, his every word has developed into various smartphone innovations.

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