There is quite a lot of news on social media about the Corona vaccine which is not true and misleading, so that not a few people are reluctant to be vaccinated. This angered the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla.
Albert said that people who spread misinformation about the Corona vaccine are criminals and have caused people to die.
"Those people are criminals. They are criminals because they really sacrificed millions of lives," he said loudly.
By reading false information, people who are already reluctant to be vaccinated are increasingly unwilling to do so. Currently, millions of Americans who should have been vaccinated have not done so, it is strongly suspected that they were exposed to hoax information.
A survey published by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that more than three quarters of adults in the United States are vulnerable to believing false things about the Corona vaccine. For example, they are worried that the Corona vaccine contains a microchip or could change DNA.
Whereas according to Bourla, only with an extensive Corona vaccine can life return to normal as before the pandemic.
"The only thing standing between the new way of life and the current one, to be honest, is an aversion to getting vaccinated," said the Pfizer CEO again.
Previously, Bourla was optimistic that the Corona pandemic could soon be controlled. "In a year's time, I think we'll be able to get back to normal life," he said in a recent ABC interview.
However, it is possible that in order to keep the Corona pandemic under control, people need to be injected with the Corona vaccine once a year. In addition, according to him, it does not mean that new variants of the Corona virus will not appear again.