There's been a lot of discussion about Omicron lately. Then, what is Omicron and why is it being talked about?
For your information, Omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet. However, what is currently viral is not about the letters of the alphabet, but related to the new variant of the Corona virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a report that Omicron was found in South Africa on November 24, 2021. Launching the BBC, this variant has entered a number of countries such as Hong Kong, Belgium, England, Germany to Italy. Many countries are currently taking steps to prevent the transmission of this variant, one of which is by closing access from South Africa.
The Omicron variant is given the initials B.1.1.529, and while it's bad news that the virus is still mutating, it's not 'doomsday'. It is known that only about 24% of South Africa's population is fully vaccinated. Perhaps this is what could spur the rapid spread of cases there according to Dr Mike Tildesley, Member of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Modeling (Spi-M).
However, WHO classifies this variant as a variant that needs attention. That is, this variant is the top category of the worrying variant of COVID-19 based on WHO.
WHO's considerations also add weight to concerns about the potential for this new variant. Moreover, this variant has an astounding collection of mutations that are thought to increase its ability to spread. Of course no one knows for sure what can be done to overcome it. However, vaccination may be one answer.
Therefore, vaccination is needed to reduce the spread of the Omicron variant.
Instead of continuing to 'learn Greek letters', stop being apathetic and start doing the 5M's (maintaining distance, washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility). Get vaccinated if you belong to the eligible category. Not just for the safety of others, but for yourself. Take care of your health!