WhatsApp is soon officially presenting a feature that users are really looking forward to on its messaging service. WhatsApp's promise earlier this year has been fulfilled by removing the online connection requirement on smartphones so that the platform can be used on multiple devices.
Previously, users had to have a stable internet connection on their smartphone to be able to use WhatsApp on other devices such as desktop PCs or laptops. This means WhatsApp must be linked to the phone for the conversation to sync.
Since some time ago, this feature has been available in limited beta testing. Well at this time, beta testing has targeted all users.
With that said, testing is almost complete and WhatsApp's parent company Meta is soon bringing it to its fullest. So users can run WhatsApp without having a smartphone connected.
However, it should be noted that WhatsApp has limited the total number of devices that can be connected to WhatsApp simultaneously at this time to only four devices. The method can be seen here.
The function is under a new feature called 'Linked devices' or 'linked devices'. After enabling it, WhatsApp will delete all previously connected devices and you will have to add them again manually. And now, devices can actually run chats independently.
The feature does not currently work on tablets and there are also certain limitations on the iPhone such as not being able to delete conversations on the connected device. For the sake of security, WhatsApp has also added an automatic disconnect feature on these connected devices, if WhatsApp is not running on the main smartphone within 14 days.