Since last September, WhatsApp has started working on the Reaction feature for iOS devices. So when will the feature be released?
In the latest report, the messaging service is still making some changes to improve its functionality as it plans to launch next year.
According to WABetainfo, the feature will be available in chat threads, individual threads, and group threads. They also state that users can see who is reacting to the message by looking at the reaction information tab.
Through its Twitter account, WABetainfo shares a snapshot of its service where the Reaction feature can be viewed by being placed on two different tabs.
The 'All' tab displays all available reactions, while the second tab displays the most recent emoji you've used. Users can click on the image to see everyone who reacted to the message.
There are only 6 emojis that can be used in one message such as Love, Like, Laugh, Sad, Surprised, and Thanks.
For now, it's unclear whether WhatsApp will make emojis available as a reaction like Facebook currently has.
The Reaction feature in WhatsApp is currently still in development and there is still no exact date when it will be released.