For WhatsApp users who really prioritize privacy, Last Seen and Online status is something that is sensitive. Fortunately WhatsApp now has a new privacy measure to further protect the user's status even though it's not comprehensive.
WABetaInfo reports, WhatsApp will hide a user's last seen and online status to unknown contacts, if the user has never chatted with them before.
Some WhatsApp users are already feeling the effects of this new policy and say they cannot see the last seen of some contacts and business accounts. Like Twitter user @NiHaolain who got a direct explanation from WhatsApp customer support.
"To improve the privacy and security of our users, we will make it difficult for people who don't know you and have never chatted with you to see your last online and online presence on WhatsApp," wrote WhatsApp customer support in an email to @NiHaolain, as quoted from WABetaInfo , Monday (12/13/2021).
"This won't change anything between you and the friends, family and businesses you know or have texted before."
Maybe you are wondering why WhatsApp implemented this new policy. This is likely due to the large number of third-party applications whose main function is to track and find out the last seen and online status of other users.
If you search for 'WhatsApp last seen tracker' on Google, you can certainly find apps like Whats Tracker, Chat Track, or WaStat easily. People use this app to track other WhatsApp users so they know when that user was last online, and use this information to annoy them.
Because these third-party applications never chat with you, thanks to WhatsApp's new policy they can no longer carelessly see your status.
But if you still can't see the last seen status of some contacts you've chatted with, it's probably because they've activated the 'My Contacts Except' setting. This feature, which is already available for WhatsApp Android and iOS beta versions, allows users to hide the last seen status of certain contacts.