The Mystery of BlackBerry's New Phone That Was Not Also Released

 After a hiatus for several years, BlackBerry's new phone is reported to be released this year. However, 2021 is almost over, there is absolutely no sign of its presence so it is a mystery.

The new version of BlackBerry was developed in Texas-based company OnwardMobility's partnership with BlackBerry and FIH Mobile. This legendary phone brings back nostalgia for a physical QWERTY keyboard as well as 5G connectivity and a security system that is claimed to be as tough as in the past.

Onward Mobility plans to launch this BlackBerry 5G flagship in North America and Europe first, and then follow it to the Asian market.

Initially, the launch schedule was the first half of 2021. That is, the new BlackBerry phone should have been released. But it was clear that the plan had failed.

When confirmed, Onward Mobility did not explain clearly why there was a long delay. They also did not tell the new BlackBerry launch schedule.

"At this time, OnwardMobilty is unable to share more details or conduct any interviews," OnwardMobilty said, quoted by PCMag.

"Thank you for your patience as we continue to develop the world's safest, most productive and easy-to-use mobile devices," they added.

There may be problems that hinder the release of new BlackBerrys, such as the scarcity of chips that has hit many electronics manufacturers. Or maybe the BlackBerry phone was prepared more carefully so as not to disappoint.

However, OnwardMobility is considered to have to explain the reason clearly. Because, allegedly there are still quite a lot of BlackBerry fans who claim to be looking forward to the arrival of this new handset.

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