Llamas brought a glimmer of hope when in August, researchers found these animal antibodies could fight the Corona virus. Now, there is more good news from this study. Llama antibodies are said to have potential against the Omicron variant.
Michael P Rout and Brian T Chait and his team from Seattle University discovered the therapeutic potential of an unusual class of immune proteins, namely mini-antibodies (nanobodies) derived from llamas. These nanobodies fight several variants of the Corona virus, including Delta and Omicron.
They hope that this combination of nanobodies can be developed into an effective COVID-19 treatment against current and future variants.
Rout and Chait at the Seattle Children's Research Institute USA selected a repertoire of more than a hundred nanobodies based on their potency and ability to target different parts of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
Manufactured by immunized llamas, the nanobodies were shown to neutralize the original Corona virus and several of its variants, including Delta, with high efficacy in laboratory tests.
Quoted from Science Daily, Santu (11/12/2021) a study to assess their potential against new Omicron variants is currently underway. However, the researchers are optimistic that even the Omicron variant can be defeated by this nanobody.
"Based on the way these nanobodies bind to the virus, we expect that many nanobodies will remain effective for multiple variants, possibly even against Omicron. We need to get those results soon," Rout said.
Scientists explain that human antibodies are chunky formations of two protein chains. But llamas, camels, and other species of the Camelidae family make antibodies that consist of only one protein.
To obtain the nanobodies, the researchers took blood samples from llamas that had received small doses of a vaccine-like coronavirus protein. They then sequenced the DNA corresponding to the diverse nanobodies produced by the llama's immune system and expressed these genes in bacteria to generate a large number of nanobodies for laboratory analysis.
Nanobodies that exhibit the desired properties are then selected and further tested to identify those that are most capable of neutralizing the virus.
Furthermore, the scientists explained that the small size of the nanobodies allowed them to access hard-to-reach places the SARS-CoV-2 virus might not be able to access by larger antibodies. It also allows the researchers to combine nanobodies capable of hitting different parts of the virus, minimizing their chances of escape.
"One of the most amazing things we have observed with these nanobodies is that they exhibit incredible synergy. The combined effect is much greater than the sum of the parts," Chait said.
In addition to being small and agile, nanobodies are also inexpensive to mass produce in yeast or bacteria. In addition, nanobodies are very stable. The ability of these molecules to withstand high temperatures and long storage times allows them to be developed into drugs that are accessible worldwide.