China is increasingly developing its technological capabilities, including for military purposes. They have exhibited a sophisticated robot that is claimed to be the largest four-legged robot in the world.
This robot is intended primarily to carry logistical needs or other missions deemed too difficult and dangerous for soldiers. For example to remote areas or to the battlefield. It can also be used to carry out rescue missions.
The shape itself according to Chinese state media, Global Times, is similar to that of an ox. "This robot developed independently by China is the largest, heaviest of its kind and most capable of walking on difficult terrain," the Global Times said.
The robot can carry loads up to 160 kilograms. While the speed can reach 10 kilometers per hour which is considered quite impressive considering its size is quite large.
This robot has several sensors to know the conditions around it. He can pass through difficult areas such as in the desert. He can do backwards, forwards, diagonals and also jumps.
"He knows the conditions and the environment around him, can adapt to various types of environments including ditches and cliffs, as well as muddy soil, grass, desert to snow fields," wrote the Global Times.
There is even a possibility that this robot will be armed. "If needed, this robot can also be equipped with weapons and carry out armed spy missions like drones, but the terrain is below," said the Global Times.
The shape itself is reminiscent of a similar robot developed by Boston Dynamics. The robot named AlphaDog was first introduced to the public in 2012.