Ghozali Everyday Becomes a Social Media Star, His Face Makes Salfok


Since making a scene because his selfie photos are selling up to billions of rupiah as NFT, the name Ghozali Everyday is getting more and more uphill. The student, whose real name is Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, is even more popular on social media.

Ghozali has a Twitter account with the address at @Ghozali_Ghozalu. At this time, the number of followers is 47.8 thousand and has the potential to continue to climb.

Ghozali is fairly routine on Twitter. He shared about his activities, such as yesterday when he visited the tax office to take care of the NPWP.

On average, Ghozali's tweets are liked by hundreds of followers. The tweet is in English, maybe because it is also for communicating with parties from abroad.

In addition to Twitter, Ghozali Everyday also opens an Instagram account. From the link.tree link on Twitter, it can be seen that the official Instagram account is addressed at @ghozaliphoto.

So far on Instagram, Ghozali has amassed more than 28 thousand followers and posted 19 photos. Most of the photos show their activities while doing talk shows or other events.

His last post showed Ghozali and his parents meeting a crypto businessman. In another post, he took pictures with several celebrities who interviewed him, such as Ruben Onsu, Young Lex, Deddy Corbuzer to Chef Arnold.

In most of the photos, Ghozali appears with his trademark face with a flat expression. Ghozali never replied that was the expression on his face.

"His expression is always the same," wrote one netizen.

"What smile, bro. Is this expression Ghozali Everyday's signature?" call another.

The content of interviews involving Ghozali was also fairly popular. For example, on the Deddy Corbuzier channel, the interview with Ghozali Everyday has been watched 5.8 million times so far.

Who is Ghozali Everyday

His real name is Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, a 7th semester student at the Faculty of Computer Science, D-4 Animation Study Program, Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) Semarang. The second son of three brothers, the couple Erna Setyawati and Heru Kamdani, admitted that he was surprised because his photos sold out and even went viral.

"Initially, it was promoted by the Indonesian NFT community. Then foreigners bought it, even chef Arnold bought it. He even bought 25, a photo of my face, hahaha," said Ghozali while laughing when he met him on campus some time ago.

Ghozali only studied NFT about two months ago and uploaded his photo at the end of December. At that time, he only thought about selling selfies, because many of the works at NFT are in the form of 3D or 2D images that are interesting to him.

"Know NFT from campus and from internet references. Initially, the reason I uploaded it on NFT was originally I imagined that the NFT contained 2D-3D or pictures of good works. I thought it would be funny if one of the collectors had my face. I didn't think anyone would buy it, so I set the initial price at 3 dollars, on purpose so no one would buy it. The first upload at the end of December only dared to promote 4 days ago," he explained.

In the latest news, Ghozali has also been to the tax office to fulfill his obligations. He visited the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama East Semarang. He also registered himself, to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

"Commitment to comply with taxes, @Ghozali_Ghozalu already has an NPWP," wrote the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes, quoted by us from social media, Wednesday (26/1).

Ghozali also received tax education, and invited all taxpayers to submit their Annual Income Tax Return (SPT) before 31 March 2022.

Previously, it was reported that Ghozali had been poked by the Directorate General of Taxes through social media. By congratulating him, related to his selfie photos which sold up to billions of Rupiah.

"This is the first tax payment in my life. Of course I will pay it, because I am a good Indonesian citizen," wrote Ghozali.

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