How to Download Legal Mp3 Songs

 If in the past we struggled to buy DVDs or vinyl records -- although many are still favorites to collect -- now it's easy for us to download legal MP3s. No need to go through illegal sites that make your data security threatened.

Now there are many places to download MP3 which are certainly legal. We have compiled the following free and legal MP3 song download sites and how to download them.

1. Spotify

Spotify is one of the most popular and widely used music streaming platforms today. The platform provides a variety of songs with various genres that can be enjoyed easily. The song can be played online or offline.

To enjoy songs offline on Spotify, make sure you are already a Spotify premium subscriber.

Then select the download quality of the selected songs. Go to the Library, then press the gear-shaped button at the top right.

After that, scroll down until you find the Music Quality section. In the Downloads section, usually the default quality of downloaded music is Normal Quality. To change it, press that button and change it as needed.

Then, also activate the Download using Cellular toggle if you want to download songs using a smartphone internet connection, when not connected to WiFi.

If you have, you can go to Browse to find a playlist of selected songs from Spotify.

Now, if you have found the desired playlist, press the playlist and activate the Download toggle.

You can also select only certain songs and create a new playlist by pressing the button in the shape of three stacked dots to the right of the song, and pressing the Add to Playlist button.

Like downloading a song on a playlist made by Spotify, you also just need to change the Download toggle on your playlist.

2. Joox


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Joox is a music streaming application and can be used to download legal songs. That way, you can listen to songs offline without eating up quota.

If you don't have the JOOX application, please download this application via the Play Store or App Store

Then create a JOOX account

After having an account, you will enter the main view of this application

Choose and play your favorite song or playlist

If it is already playing, click the down arrow symbol or the download button

After that, the download process will run automatically

You can see the download results in the Profile menu

Then check your Offline Songs submenu and the successfully downloaded song will automatically appear

3. SoundCloud

You can download free songs on SoundCloud though not all of them. Some of them require users to like (like) the Facebook page first.

The first step is to go to then select the track you want to download on SoundCloud.

Creators have several settings that apply to their work including setting the title, genre, description, privacy as well as privacy such as whether tracks can be downloaded, listened to offline or can be played while in other applications.

If creators allow their uploaded tracks to be downloaded.

Then the next step is to click on the More option (three-dot image) you will see the Download original file option.

Click the Download original file option, then the track will be directly downloaded to your device.

4. Free Amazon Music Store

If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you are also entitled to access free MP3 downloads via streaming music. You can do it on any device. You can also visit the company's free music page on Amazon's website in the digital music section.

Log in to your Amazon Music by entering your Amazon email/phone number and password.

On the left side of the Amazon Music page, under the MY MUSIC section, go to the area you want to download.

If you want to download the entire album at once, click that option. To search for songs, imported music, artists, or music by genre, select one of the options.

If you want to download the music you just purchased, you can go directly to that section with this link here.

Place a check mark next to one or more songs that you want to download via your browser, then click the Download button . To select everything on the page, use the top check mark to quickly select everything.

If you download music from the Purchased section, you'll see a simple list of all the songs you've purchased on Amazon.

If you are viewing an album of songs, and you want to download the entire album as a ZIP file, the download button is hidden in a small button with three vertical dots.

To select a specific song to download from an album, you can hover your mouse over the song to see a different three-dot button that lets you download just that one song.

After selecting to download a song, a message will appear asking if you want to use the Amazon Music app to download music.

To save Amazon music without using the app, click on the link called No thanks, just download the music file directly.

5. ReverbNation

Have you just heard or have you known for a long time? This music site is behind the popularity of bands such as The Civil Wars, Imagine Dragons and Alabama Shakes. You can download the best music from various genres such as Hiphop, Pop, RnB and others.

Make sure your PC has IDM installed (internet download manager)

If you have, install it right away and try to integrate IDM in your browser

Once integrated, close or restart your browser

Play the song or video you want to download

Download the song simply by clicking the 'Play' icon then IDM will automatically appear to provide the download link for the song.

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