EmojiMix is going viral on TikTok. What is EmojiMix and how do you make it on your cellphone?
EmojiMix is a game made by Tikolu that allows users to combine several emojis into one. The combination will form a new emoji that is different from the existing collection.
Although it seems simple, this game challenges players to create interesting emojis. Although later the results cannot be saved on the keyboard, we can share them via TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram or other social media.
To make it very easy, you can use an application or a browser on your cellphone. You can follow the steps below:
Go to Tikolu site here
Then click on the words 'Click here to Begin'
Instantly the game rotates a collection of emojis and chooses two to combine
The result of merging two emojis will appear
If you don't like it, you can re-select it by pressing EmojiMix. You can also press the button under the magnifying glass icon
After getting the appropriate emoji, you can press one of the buttons below. There is a copy of the image, copy the link and share.
How to Make EmojiMix Using Apps on HP
Download and install the Emoji Mix application made by Unicode on the Play Store
At the top is shown the result of merging the emojis that the user must create
There are three boxes that must be filled in by the player to produce the emoji combination
Each time a box is pressed, at the bottom there appears a tray filled with emojis. Choose the correct emoji
If successful, confetti will appear on the screen.
Then you will be presented with a new challenge