Rich in Billions from NFT, Ghozali Everyday Visits Tax Office


Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, finally came to the Tax Service Office (KPP) Pratama East Semarang. He also registered himself, to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

"Commitment to comply with taxes, @Ghozali_Ghozalu already has a TIN," wrote the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes, quoted by us from social media, Wednesday (26/1/2022).

Ghozali also received tax education, and invited all taxpayers to submit Annual Income Tax Returns (SPT) for Individual Individuals, before March 31, 2022. Even so, there were funny comments from netizens, who said that the expressions shown seemed not sincere.

"Kak, his face is not sincere, wow," wrote the account @radenmasBrozo77. In response to this, the sultan of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) Indonesia responded casually and flatly.

"It's really an obligation to pay taxes. Why not be sincere," said Ghozali.

Gonna listing for 10 eth soon at opensea lol

— Ghozali_Ghozalu (@Ghozali_Ghozalu) January 25, 2022

Previously, it was reported that Ghozali had been poked by the Directorate General of Taxes through social media. By congratulating him, related to his selfie photos which sold up to billions of Rupiah.

"This is the first tax payment in my life. Of course I will pay it, because I am a good Indonesian citizen," wrote Ghozali

However, this incident provoked curiosity among netizens about how NFT could be included as a tax. Through a reply tweet from the Twitter account @kring_pajak, they explained that everything was in accordance with the laws and regulations.

"In accordance with Article 4 of Law Number 7 of 1983 as has been amended several times, most recently by Law Number 7 of 2021," wrote @kring_pajak.

According to them, the object of tax is income, that is, every additional economic capability is received or earned by the taxpayer. Where both originating from Indonesia and outside the country, which can be used for consumption.

"Or to increase the wealth of the Taxpayer concerned, by name and in whatever form. As long as it includes income, it is an object of income tax," he explained.

They added that based on Article 14 PMK-242/PMK.03/2014, tax payments and deposits are made in Rupiah. Except for taxpayers who have obtained permission to maintain books in English and in United States (US) Dollar currency.

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