Scientist: There are 300,000 hidden space rocks in Antarctica

 The study, conducted by academics at the Free University of Brussels with an artificial intelligence program, suggests that there may be hundreds of thousands of meteorite space rocks in the Antarctic ice field. Even the number is estimated to reach 300 thousand pieces.

Indeed, nearly two-thirds of the meteorites found on Earth so far have come from the continent of Antarctica. The frozen continent, cold and dry, helped to store the space rock. Not to mention the black color of the meteorite is quite easy to find in the snow field.

Meteorites come from planets so that this space rock is very valuable to be studied by scientists, among others, to find out the origin of the Solar System, even the universe.

When a meteorite falls in Antarctica, it usually lands in a snowy area because 98% of the area is covered by ice. As time passed, snow accumulated on it.

Most meteorites found in Antarctica are due to luck. Now, scientists are developing a new strategy to find it with the help of artificial intelligence. "We found some unexplored areas have great potential for finding meteorites," said Veronica Tollenar, a glacier expert.

In this study, researchers utilized special artificial intelligence software to analyze Antarctic surface satellite data. The goal is to identify areas that may harbor meteorites based on similarities to areas where scientists have previously found them.

"By visiting these locations and using new excavation techniques, such as surveys using drones, we will enter a new era of missions to find meteorites in Antarctica," said Veronica, quoted by Live Science.

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