The sky never loses its charm. You, astronomy lovers, don't miss out on interesting celestial phenomena every month, including this month.
Quoted from the Southern Sky astronomical site, here are a number of astronomical phenomena in February 2022.
February 8 - Alpha Centaurid Meteor Meteor Shower
The Alpha Centaurid meteor shower is a minor meteor shower that appears to come from the constellation Centaurus. The alpha Centaurid meteor shower began to appear at 21:46 WIB and can be found in the southeast direction not far from the beta star Centauri.
Alpha Centaurid runs from January 28 to February 21 and meteor activity will peak on February 8. At maximum intensity, observers can find at least 6 meteors per hour or can reach 25 meteors per hour moving at a speed of 58 km / sec.
February 11 - Moon at apogee point
Apogee is a phenomenon when the Moon is at its furthest point from Earth. On February 11, the Moon's distance from Earth was 404,897 km.
February 27 - Moon at perigee
In contrast to apogee, when at perigee, the Moon reaches its closest distance to Earth. On February 27, the Moon's distance from Earth was 367,789 km.
February 27 - Moon Triangle, Venus, Mars
The Moon, Venus, and Mars Triangle occurs on February 27 at 04.00 WIB. These three objects can be seen before dawn.
The day before February ends, the crescent moon meets the pair Mars and Venus before dawn. The moon rises first at 02:22 WIB, followed by Venus at 02:53 WIB and Mars at 02:57 WIB.
The moon is 8.7 degrees south of Venus and 3.5 degrees south of Mars. At sunrise, the Moon and Venus triangles are at an altitude of 38 degrees.
February 28 - Mercury and Saturn
Mercury and Saturn will be side by side on February 28, at 05.00 WIB. The two will appear in pairs on the eastern horizon at dawn.
The two planets rise only 14 minutes apart with Mercury first rising at 04.21 WIB, followed by Saturn at 04.35 WIB. The pair of planets is still very low in the east from sunrise to dawn.