A boulder on Mars is thought to be where aliens lay while watching NASA's robot take photos. There is an explanation behind the appearance of this object, and certainly nothing to do with evidence that there is life on Mars.
This sighting was first reported by Scott C. Waring, a UFO and alien activist. In his latest blog, Waring claimed to find an alien figure lying on a rock while looking at photos sent by a NASA robot.
"I found something unique ... something that is 100% proof of intelligent life. There is someone lying down looking at NASA's Mars rover robot from a far distance," Waring wrote on his blog, as quoted by the Independent, Tuesday (8/2/2022). ).
"The person was about 1 foot, .3 meters tall and was lying down, had a pink chest, neck and face, reddish hair, wore a dark suit, but had a gray object on one shoulder...similar to a backpack. There were even footprints behind the person leading to the location where he was lying," he continued.
Suspected alien sightings on Mars Photo: NASA/Scott C. Waring
Waring discovered the sighting when he saw a panoramic photo uploaded on the GigaPan website. The original photo was taken by NASA's Perseverance rover in April 2021.
Although Waring claims that this photo shows '100% proof of life' the facts are not like that. Most likely it's just a form of eye trick like pareidolia or mimetolith.
Pareidolia is a phenomenon where a person sees an object with other things that resemble it. For example, when you see clouds that look like rabbits, foam in coffee that looks like a smile, and so on.
Meanwhile, mimetolith is a phenomenon that makes the human eye seem to see a face in a rock arrangement. These two things often happen when observing other planets, such as the 'Face on Mars' phenomenon which caused a stir when it was first photographed in 1976.
Of course at this time scientists still have not found signs of life on Mars. NASA has also sent several rover robots, such as the Perseverance rover, to look for signs of life but so far to no avail.
What do you think, is the object just a boulder or is there another mystery behind it?