It is undeniable that the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) game series is phenomenal. Since the release of its first series in 1997 for the PlayStation console, GTA has always been in demand and besides that, it has always been controversial.
Most recently, Rockstar Games caused a stir because they confirmed that they were working on a new edition, namely GTA 6. Looking back, who exactly was the person who had the idea to create this action-packed game?
GTA was apparently initiated by several people, namely David Jones, Dan Houser, Sam Houser, Mike Dailly, Leslie Benzies, and Aaron Garbut. Let's get acquainted a little with one of them, David Jones from Scotland.
David Jones is the founder of DMA Design, a game development company founded in 1988. David has been playing games since he was little. Thanks to the hard work of Jones and his creative ideas, DMA was successful in making several games and starting to hire people.
DMA Design's first major success was a game called Lemmings. His sales in two years reached 1.5 million pounds, a huge amount at that time. Jones is also rich and has been able to buy the Ferrari of his dreams.
One of the talented programmers who helped initiate Lemmings is Mike Dailly. Not satisfied with just getting there, Dailyly continues to look for ideas for new games.
He then imagined creating a virtual three-dimensional (3D) game with a vast city environment. Technology has made it possible to make such games.
"Initially it was the technology. When we were able to make a view of a city, we could zoom in or out, we started to think about what we could do with the technology. Basically, we just wanted a big map and a wide and free playground," he said. Jones.
Dailyly, Jones and several colleagues discussed it. Originally, they wanted to fill the city with gangs of gangs fighting each other. But then the idea occurred to just focus on making a real and live city, which the players can explore.
The team has actually had the idea of making a racing game for a long time. Be a car becomes an important element in the game. And the character in the game is decided not a good person but a villain. They agreed to name it Grand Theft Auto or GTA for short.
The first GTA was released in 1997 and immediately became a best seller in the UK. The series that followed further cemented GTA as one of the most successful game franchises of all time.
David Jones himself is still in the game world. Although indeed he has worked elsewhere and is no longer too involved in the development of the latest GTA series.