Interesting Facts and History of February


February is on its way. The second month of the year has many unique features. Just note the number of days there are only 28, while the other months are generally 30 or 31.

In addition, there are several other unique and interesting history that may have been overlooked. The following are interesting facts about the month of February, as summarized by us from various sources, Monday (7/2/2022).

1. The name February comes from the purification ritual of Februa, which was a kind of spring cleansing festival in early Roman times.

2. In Old English, February was called Solmonath (Mud month) or Kale-monath (Kale or cabbage month).

3. February often appears in the list of the most frequently misspelled words in the English language. For example, press releases from the US White House in 2015 consistently spelled it February.

4. Prior to Julius Caesar's calendar reform in 45 BC, February was the only month with an even number of days. The rest have 29 or 31.

5. Have a Leap Year, which is a year in which the number of days has increased slightly, which is 366 days. The addition of one day is given in February. As a result, the month of February which in an ordinary year has 28 days, will have 29 days in a leap year. People born on February 29 or Leap Year have their own name, namely leapling or leaper, and celebrate their birthday every 4 years.

6. February is the time for the 'absent' full moon. Throughout the month of February, we cannot see the appearance of the full moon. Basically, the full moon occurs once every 29.5 days. While the number of days in this month is only 28 to 29. Automatically the full moon must be absent from its phase for a while. But there are times when the full moon appears in February, but most likely only once every 20 years. This rare event is called the 'Black Moon'.

7. There are three different seasons in February. If the northern hemisphere of the world is experiencing the peak of winter, countries in the south such as Australia and New Zealand, actually find the summer quite hot.

Differences in seasons and climates are experienced by those who live in the north and south, but this difference will be a little striking when entering the month of February. In tropical countries, February is the month when the rainfall is the highest. Almost all areas feel this, even the worst impact is flooding.

This condition is also often associated with Chinese New Year celebrations which generally fall in February. Chinese people believe that the more it rains, the more blessings it brings.

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