The solar system stores a variety of objects, from planets, natural satellites, asteroids, to volcanoes. Here are the largest in each category.
The largest planet, with a diameter of about 142,984 km, or 11 times larger than Earth, makes Jupiter the largest planet in the solar system.
The satellite with a diameter of about 5,268 km, Ganymede orbiting Jupiter, is officially the largest natural satellite. Its size is even slightly larger than the planet Mercury.
Mount Olympus Mons is a volcano on Mars. With a height of about 25 km, or three times that of Everest, this object is officially the highest in the solar system among other mountains.
The largest cliff, Valles Merineris on Mars is 3,000 km long and 8 km deep, making it the largest cliff in the solar system.
The largest crater, Utopia Planitia on Mars has a diameter of about 3,300 km, making it the largest crater in the solar system. This object was the landing site of the spacecraft Viking 2 in 1976.
The largest asteroid, with a length of 530 km, is 4 Vesta which is in the asteroid belt between the planets Mars and Jupiter.
Pluto is the largest dwarf planet with a diameter of 2,370 km according to observations by the spacecraft New Horizons in 2015.