Portrait of Simon Leviev, the 'Tinder Swindler' who cheated into Crazy Rich

 This is Shimon Hayut aka Simon Leviev who was popular in the Netflix documentary 'Tinder Swindler'. He called cheating up to USD 10 million .

Shimon Hayut aka Simon Leviev is popular in the Netflix documentary 'Tinder Swindler'. The film opens February 2, 2022.

He called cheating up to USD 10 million .

There are many people who report being victims of this Israeli man's scam. Photo: Doc. wife

Some are trapped by their charms to the point of wanting to be their lover, or just being close friends.

Simon Leviev called luxury style because the results of fraud. He disguised himself as the son of a diamond entrepreneur from the LDD Diamonds company.

According to the confessions of those who felt cheated by Simon Leviev, this man first invited them to have fun with his wealth.

After having fun with a luxurious lifestyle, the victims are tried to be convinced by the story of Simon Leviev being chased by the enemy.

In order to be free from his enemy, Simon Leviev said that he needed cash so that it could not be traced. The victims who believe in the end just stick with it.

Shimon Hayut was eventually arrested and imprisoned for several months. The victims continued to pay off the debt they used to make loans to Simon Leviev before realizing they were being duped .

Meanwhile, Simon Leviev refused to be called a fraud and said he would provide his own official statement.

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