Scientists Worry About Russia and Ukraine War Involving Nuclear Weapons


Russia's attack on Ukraine made many people worried about the repercussions, including scientists. The concerns are mainly related to the use of nuclear weapons, where Russia is one of the countries that has the capability as well as several NATO countries.

Indeed the possibility is very small. "This (the use of nuclear bombs) is quite far even if things get out of control. Both the United States and Russia, which have the most nuclear weapons, are firm enough not to use them," said Andrij Dobriansky, director of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.

But the possibility is still there. This was stated by the physicists at The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. They warned that NATO and Russia had nuclear capabilities if the situation escalated.

According to them, both NATO and Russia have military doctrines that allow the use of tactical nuclear weapons to avoid defeat in conventional wars.

They say, if the Kremlin in the Russian capital was bombed with a 100 kiloton nuclear weapon, the death toll could reach 250,000.

"This is no fantasy. People who say we can keep such a large nuclear arsenal forever and hope nothing bad happens, I think those are people who live in fantasy worlds," said Dr Ira Helfland of the institute. .

"A single nuclear bomb detonated in the American capital could kill more than 170,000 people and injure nearly 400,000," he added, citing the devastating effects of nuclear bombs.

Whatever happens, war will certainly have a very bad impact, especially for civilians. There are fears that Russia's attack on Ukraine will bring about a major disaster.

"Most of the deaths and illnesses can occur in civilians from exploding weapons, population dispersion, damage to hospitals, drinking water and food supplies," said Dr. Barry Levy, a health expert quoted by us from Truthout, Thursday (24/2/2022).

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