Wow, Apple Employees Even Use Android Phones


Apple employees would be mistaken for using a cell phone made by the company, especially if it wasn't an iPhone. However, apparently, quite a lot of Apple employees choose to use only Android phones. What's wrong?

Apparently those who use this Android phone are some Apple employees who work in the retail sector, namely the Apple Store. they are planning to organize secretly so that they are stronger to claim their rights.

As quoted by us from Futurism, Apple's retail employees are clearly not as prosperous as the employees in the back office. What's more, their hourly wages have continued to stagnate, even though Apple's profits have continued to climb.

Even though Apple's salary is actually the same as the others, Apple's income is much greater. At the same time, the necessities of life are soaring that employees feel compelled to act.

This made the employees dissatisfied and planned to form a union. An Apple employee source said that at least two Apple Stores are preparing for union approval to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and others will follow.

Now these Apple employees, especially those who sparked the formation of unions, are wary of the possibility of being spied on. That's why they switched from iPhone to Android phone.

"This big company has an internet culture of spying, intimidation and alienation. Employees are closely monitored and our data is collected," accused Ashley Gjovik, a former Apple employee.

Of course so far there is absolutely no evidence whether Apple is actually spying on its employees and whether switching to an Android phone can minimize that possibility. If true and caught, then it is a very serious offense.

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