3 Good Practices That Can Be Done During Nisfu Syaban Night


It doesn't feel like in a matter of days we will welcome the month of Ramadan. However, before Ramadan draws near, there is such a thing as the month of Shaban, which is a special month in the Hijri calendar.

Nisfu Shaban is defined as the middle of the month of Shaban. Rasulullah SAW said that this time is the time for recording good deeds.

Nisfu Shaban 2022 night falls on 15 Shaban or Friday, March 18 2022. It falls right on Friday night, of course there will be many good things that we can get if we practice it.

This is a series of good deeds that can be done on the night of Nisfu Syaban. Come on!

1. Reading the Quran

On the night of Nisfu Syaban, you can fill it by reading the Koran. As we know, reading the Quran can bring many rewards even if it's just one verse.

Quoted from detik.com, the virtue of reading the Qur'an has been explained by the Prophet Muhammad in the following hadith:

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Meaning: From Abu Amamah, I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say, "Read the Quran, for it will be an intercessor for its readers on the Day of Resurrection." (HR Muslim).

Because of this, you can take advantage of the good night of Nisfu Syaban by reading the Quran!

2. Performing the Tahajjud Prayer

Interpreting the night of Nisfu Syaban, you can take advantage of it by performing the evening sunnah prayer, namely the tahajjud prayer.

The tahajjud prayer is one of the best prayers, after the obligatory prayers. Because of this, on the night of Nisfu Shaban you can collect as much reward as possible with this tahajjud prayer.

After that you can do other practices such as dhikr or go back to reading the Koran.

3. Reminder to Pay Debt Fasting Ramadan

The arrival of the night of Nisfu Syaban is also a reminder for us that the month of Ramadan is getting closer. Because of this, for those of you who still have debts for fasting during Ramadan last year, it is better to replace them immediately.

Because, the name debt must be paid. Including fasting debt that must be paid and replaced right away!

That's a good practice on the night of Nisfu Syaban that can be done. Happy to welcome the month of Ramadan soon!

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