4 Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder that are often vague in romantic relationships, one of which is fear of being left behind

 Borderline Personality Disorder or commonly known as BPD is a personality disorder that causes a person to experience emotional instability and feelings, tend to behave impulsively, and have difficulty in establishing relationships, including romantic relationships.

Reporting from Very Well Mind, it is not known exactly what causes this BPD personality disorder. However, it is certain that genetic and environmental factors are risk factors or determinants of BPD.

It was mentioned earlier that being in contact with someone who has BPD can complicate our romantic relationships. Therefore, there is no harm in being alert if the closest person or our partner begins to show symptoms that are usually shown by the following BPD sufferers.

Fear of being left

One of the symptoms shown by people with BPD and quite influential in a romantic relationship is the fear of being left behind.

This can make the sufferer constantly alert and sensitive to signs that indicate that their partner is leaving them.

Even the slightest sign can lead them to interpret it as a sign that they will be abandoned.

Not infrequently feelings like this will make them overreact, such as begging, making a fuss in public places, to resorting to physical violence to prevent their partner from leaving them.


Although they have a tendency to fear abandonment, people with BPD can also suddenly become introverted and avoid relationship intimacy, causing them to suddenly distance themselves from their partners.

This instability of emotions and feelings makes them sometimes demand affection and attention from their partners, but then drift away and disappear without a word.


This is another symptom that is often reported and complained by people who have partners with BPD.

While lying and covering up the truth are not included in the behavior recorded in a typical BPD diagnosis, they are the most worrying things in a relationship.

This is due to the tendency of people with BPD to see all situations from a different perspective from other people.


Other symptoms of people with BPD include a tendency to engage in self-harm, dissociative, and impulsive actions.

If people with BPD take impulsive actions such as making large expenses without planning, this will cause stress for their partner. Likewise, behaviors and actions taken to hurt themselves can make their partner feel afraid.

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