Recently, Russia has attracted the attention of the world because it has carried out a military invasion of Ukraine. The Russia-Ukraine crisis suddenly made the public focus on these two countries in the European region. In the midst of the conflict, it turns out that there is another side of Russia that is often admired by the world.
Not only about its military strength, but also its charm and tourism potential which is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Russian tourism does offer a variety of majestic and exotic locations that are ready to spoil the eye!
It's no wonder that many tourists from all over the world have added Russia to their wish list of places to travel. So which are the popular destinations in Russia that are interesting to visit? Read until the end of the information through the following article!
Moscow Metro
The first tourist location that must be visited when you are in Russia is the Moscow Metro. This one place turned out to be a station building that presents a touch of ancient architecture but looks aesthetic. Reporting from Introducing Moscow, the station, which is located in the city of Moscow, which is none other than the capital of Russia, was built since 1953.
Moscow Metro presents architecture in a socialist-realist style known as the 'palace of the people'. The location of the subway network, also known as the metro, is the largest as well as a tourist attraction in Russia, you know!
No less luxurious than the Moscow Metro, there is also Peterhof which is also the most popular tourist area in Russia. When visiting here you will find a magnificent building with a very wide garden. No less enchanting, on the inside you can see the luxurious and beautiful architecture.
Quoted from the Saint Petersburg page, Peterhof itself is a garden as well as a palace known as 'Russian Versailles'. The term 'versailles' itself is taken from the name of the French royal palace which became one of the spectacular places in the world.
Saint Basil Cathedral
Russia is known to have magnificent and luxurious buildings, some of which have a characteristic dome at the top. Well, one of the most popular in the world as well as an icon of Russia is Saint Basil Cathedral. This church building, located in Moscow City, was built in the mid-16th century.
Still quoted from the Introducing Moscow page, Saint Basil's Cathedral presents beautiful architecture and is full of carvings like a fairy tale. The cathedral, which is located in the middle of the tourist area of Red Square, is very iconic and becomes the pride of Muscovites.
GUM, which is an aesthetic mall in Russia, is one of the favorite destinations for tourists.
Want to shop and travel at the same time at the same location? When you visit Russia later, don't forget to stop by GUM. GUM is known as the number 1 department store in Russia. This shopping center in Moscow City is also located in the heart of the Red Square tourist area, just like Saint Basil's Cathedral.
Quoting from the Introducing Moscow page, GUM has been built since the 1890s which features around 1,200 shops in it. The roof is made of glass with a typical European architectural building. Not only ordinary shops, in this place you can also find various luxury boutiques from well-known world-class brands.
Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
Sevior on the Spilled Blood which is a favorite tourist destination in Russia.
Just like Saint Basil's Cathedral, there are other church buildings in Russia that are no less enchanting. This building is called the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and is located in the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Quoting from the Saint Petersburg website, this church was built in the typical church style of the 16th and 17th centuries.
The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built with a touch of baroque, classic and modern architecture. When you enter it, you will be treated to views of beautiful and colorful patterns that are ready to spoil your eyes.