Regrettably, the stereotype that is built up in society considers that women are weak, indecisive, spoiled, and not independent creatures. Of course this stereotype is not true and must be eradicated. Because, women can also be tough, strong, and independent figures.
Yup, you may be familiar with the term strong independent woman aka strong and independent woman. Being a strong and independent woman means that you can take care of and take care of yourself and not depend on others. You know you are capable and have the power to live life the way you want to.
Well, it turns out that there are some things that only strong and independent women do. Anything? And is there anything you do often? Come on, see the following explanation!
Supporting Other Women
For strong and independent women, the term woman supporting woman is something that is firmly held. They do not hesitate to show support for other women. They also always celebrate their achievements.
In addition, it never crossed their minds to belittle the struggles of other women. They will feel proud and happy for the success of other women. They also want all women to be successful in their respective fields. Cool!
Happy Leading
Are you the type of person who likes to find a way out? Don't like to just sit back and accept what is? Or always willing to make changes if needed? If you answered yes, you may be a woman who enjoys leading.
One of the things strong and independent women enjoy doing is leading. They're not the type to just sit back and watch things go as they are. If a change is needed, they immediately take the lead to do so.
They are also not afraid to express opinions and are open to all views or ideas that are expressed. According to them, setting a good example and encouraging others to be the best version of themselves is important.
Not Afraid to Make Decisions
For some people, making decisions is difficult and often avoided. But for a woman who is strong and independent, they are not afraid to make decisions, even when faced with difficult situations. They are able to think logically and rationally and put emotions aside when making difficult decisions.
Alone is not a problem
One sign of strong and independent women is that they have no problem doing things on their own. They also do not depend on others. They realize that happiness does not come from other people, but from themselves. Therefore, it doesn't matter if they work alone and still feel confident.
Able to Appreciate Yourself
Focus on self love. Self love illustration/Photo: Freepik
Not a few people who still find it difficult to love themselves and do not know the weaknesses and strengths that exist within themselves. However, a woman who is strong and independent is able to respect herself.
Because they are able to respect themselves and can see their value, negative comments that are not constructive from others will certainly not make them down and down.
Those are some things that only strong and independent women do. What do you do often?