6 Tips to Earn Money from Free Time, One of them Becomes a Podcaster

 There are lots of ways you can spend your free time. Starting from exercising, rearranging the contents of the cupboard, trying new recipes, to just lying down all day. However, the choice will be different if you want an activity that provides experience as well as generates money.

Even though you don't have much experience, in this online era, you can use the internet in such a way to make money. One of them is by opening an online shop, where you can sell anything. It can be the result of crafts, the result of trying various new recipes, up to thrift clothes.

In addition, there are also many tips to fill spare time that generate money, what are they?

1. Participate in Online Game Tournaments

If you are an online game enthusiast, don't waste your talent. Try participating in various online tournaments that are held.

But of course, don't go straight to tournaments with big prizes, you can try small ones first. If you feel you are getting more advanced, you can register for online game tournaments with fantastic prizes such as The International or the like.

Who knows, the hobby you have been working on all this time will become a source of income in the future. Don't get me wrong, games have proven to be a source of money for many characters in the world. In addition to participating in tournaments, you can also create a YouTube channel or routinely perform live on various social media.

2. Join Affiliate Group

Meanwhile, for those of you who have been more interested in the world of marketing, you can try registering an affiliate group. For those of you who are not too familiar, joining this affiliate group is to collaborate to sell products from certain brands.

Later, you will get a commission for every item you successfully offer. By joining an affiliate group, you can earn without spending capital.

Interestingly, you can do promotions at any time. The point is, you have to be diligent in doing promotions so that the goods offered attract the attention of many people. That is, you need to do a unique promotion.

3. Play Reward Zone on the Traveloka App

Photo: Traveloka

Another option so that you can earn money is to play Reward Zone on the Traveloka application. Surely you are very familiar with Traveloka, the mainstay application for those who want to order tickets. Whether it's plane tickets, lodging, to tourist attractions, it can be accessed via the website or using an application.

Traveloka has consistently innovated by issuing various new features and campaigns. Well, one of the things you can do in your spare time to stay productive while earning money is to play the Reward Zone feature. In this feature there are various games that you can play with points from Traveloka.

Later, the points collected can be exchanged for discounts and various attractive promos from Traveloka. Can be exchanged for discount ticket bookings, get food order vouchers, and buy various fashion products.

Very tempting isn't it? The choices of games themselves are varied, for example Pick-A-Loka, Sodaloka, and Traveloka Teka Teki.

4. Become a Freelancer Writer

Writing is still one of the hobbies of many people. But the difference is, in the past, many wrote in books, now on social media. For those of you who have routinely issued opinions or anything on social media, you can try to become a freelance writer, you know.

In this digital marketing era, the need for freelance writers is increasing. You can use your writing skills to make money. There are also many online platforms that open vacancies for writers, so you just have to be diligent in submitting applications.

Interestingly, now there are also many companies that provide online writing training, either free or paid. So it will be very easy for beginners. The choice of freelance writing profession is also diverse, it can be a content writer, copywriter, proofreader, to scriptwriter.

5. Become a Product Reviewer

With the development of online shops, professions as product reviewers have also emerged. Its main task is to review various items of certain products.

Later, after reviewing, you can get free samples, products, up to money. In Indonesia, there are not too many product reviewers. But if you are proficient in English, the chances will be even greater.

There are many reasons why review services are now important for companies. Starting from being able to gain consumer trust, increasing sales, more affordable promotional media, to increasing brand awareness from producers. So, you can use it as a source of money.

6. Become a podcaster

Meanwhile, for those of you who like to chat and share various things, becoming a podcaster is the right choice. There are lots of media that can cover it for free, it can be Youtube channels, music streaming applications, to various social media. You can discuss various things, ranging from everyday life, topics that are currently being discussed, to something more specific.

Don't get me wrong, being a podcaster is also very promising, you know. Especially if you have a lot of followers, not only cuans who come, but also various invitations to fill the event can also arrive.

That's a row of activities that you can do to fill your free time productively. Even those of you who are still in high school, college, or still looking for work, can do the various things above.

Who knows at first it's fun to be a free time filler, after a long time it can become a profession too. If you have worked professionally, the money is also not kidding, huh.

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