8 List of Couples Who Have High Compatibility Based on Personality, Is There You and Him?

 There are many ways that a person can do to check their compatibility level with their partner or crush. You can match things you like or even compare zodiac signs with each other.

Even so, it seems that experts have found the fact that the MBTI personality test offers more relevant information about the characteristics of the most ideal partners for each other. Reporting from Elite Daily, here's the review!


INTJs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging) tend to exhibit perfectionist personalities who uphold rules, structure, and planning. They can get along with someone who can balance or, at least, accept all of that, like an INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting).

They will make an amazing couple because they both prioritize honesty and independence. Because they often spend a lot of private time exploring each other's ideas, they are very connected when it comes to meaningful conversations.


At first glance, the ENFP (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting) and INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging) may not seem like a good fit together, but they both have similarities and differences that complement each other.

ENFPs view their introverted partners as opportunities for them to delve deeper into relationships. Meanwhile, an extroverted partner makes INFJs willing to learn to get out of their comfort zone and try to socialize.


An INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting) has a complex personality and an ENFJ (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging) is very determined to make others more open. Both of these personality types are intuitive feelers, so they can easily feel their partner's emotions, desires, and desires.

This allows them to understand each other. Both are also good communicators, so they can avoid misunderstandings and solve problems easily.


This pair shows that differences can also bring two people together. ESFPs (Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting) greatly admire the determination, reliability, and strong character of the ISTJ (Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging).

Meanwhile, ISTJs are hooked on the ESFP's friendliness, charisma, and emotional intelligence. This couple is also the type who focuses on facts and doesn't make decisions based solely on intuition and feelings.


These two personality types are captivated by each other's energy and enthusiasm. They also don't demand an overly emotional relationship with their partner.

ISFJs (Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging) are introverts, but they still want to socialize so they can keep up with ESTPs (Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting) who are really slang. Both are equally focused on details so they are able to make decisions and respond to situations with similar actions.


Despite having some differences, these two personality types can balance each other out because they are equally sensitive, expressive, and affectionate. Both are also very empathetic and excellent communicators. ESFJs (Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Judging) and ISFPs (Introverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting) can resolve conflicts quickly because they are both open and honest about their feelings.


Although very different, ISTP (Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting) and ESTP (Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting) are practically both pragmatic figures. Both are frontal speakers and able to make decisions with a logical approach.


The thing that unites these two personality types is their nature which both upholds the intellect and both love to learn. Both can even compete healthily and motivate each other to develop.

ENTJs (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging) and ENTPs (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting) can have discussions about their problems without getting angry because they are not very sensitive people.

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