The phenomenon of flexing or showing off by Crazy Rich is now increasingly coming to the surface, especially since the era of social media. Usually, those who are called crazy rich will show off their wealth, ranging from luxury houses, sports cars, to giving away large amounts of money for no reason.
The arrest of Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan, two people who are said to be crazy rich due to fraudulent investment cases, reminds us to be smarter in believing in the life that is displayed on social media.
An anecdote goes that a thief will not scream a thief. Likewise with rich people, they will not claim to be rich, let alone deliberately flaunt their wealth to get recognition.
This is agreed by a sociology professor at the New School for Social Research, New York, who has studied the spending habits of the wealthy. According to his research, the rich have habits that are not shown like the rich on social media today.
In his book Uneasy Street: The Anxieties of Affluence, Sherman interviews 50 wealthy New Yorkers. As a result, it turns out that rich people live normally like ordinary people in general. No flaunting treasures, no overspending. Everything seems normal.
"The rich people I've studied are very careful about the moral implications of their privileges," said Sherman, quoted by Vice. "The habit of frugality is one way we judge whether rich people are morally good or morally bad."
The Story of the Rich Warren Buffett
Warren Buffet, who is none other than the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is the fifth richest person in the world. However, Buffett is known to live a simple life despite living a life full of wealth.