Violence against women is currently still a serious problem for which justice and legal protection are still being fought for, especially against victims. The forms of violence experienced by women include physical, psychological, to sexual. This violence is known to occur in real terms.
However, in today's era, various forms of violence also occur in cyberspace. Yup, this is not far from everyday life, such as activities on social media.
Let's take a look at the 6 forms of sexual violence in the cyber world below!
Cyber Harrasment
Launching from various sources, cyber harassment or also known as cyber bullying is a behavior that hurts, scares, and threatens other people through cyberspace. Generally, cases like this often occur in teenagers, but adults can also experience it. Some cases of cyber harassment are caused by revenge motives. One way that can be done to avoid cyber harassment is to maintain behavior when surfing on social media so as not to share private things.
Cyber stalking
Launching from Very Well Mind, cyber stalking is the act of stalking by using technology to harass other people online. The form of behavior from cyber stalking carried out by the perpetrators can be in the form of sending emails, messages, to postings on social media that can cause insecurity in victims or potential victims. Cyber stalking is one form of continuation of previous violent behavior, namely cyber harassment.
Online Sexual Harrasment
You should also be aware of sexual harassment in cyberspace now. Launching from the journal McNair, in a survey in the UK it was reported that 41 percent of internet users, predominantly women, experienced sexual harassment on the internet.
There are various forms of harassment, such as being sent unsolicited pornographic material. Especially in the Metaverse era, which is currently under development, sexual harassment has occurred. For example, in December 2021, a woman in the UK was sexually assaulted in the metaverse during a VR trial of Meta.
Malicious Distribution
Malicious distribution is a form of threat to spread personal photos or videos as well as insults carried out by utilizing technology and the internet by spreading misinformation. In addition, other forms of threats are also in the form of publishing insulting material about someone on a website or sending an email containing slander to those closest to the victim with the aim of defaming the reputation.
Launching from Very Well Family, sexting is the behavior of sending messages in the form of photos or videos or sexually suggestive messages that are carried out intentionally through cellphones or other digital devices. This is certainly a serious problem, especially for teenagers because it will have an impact on psychological problems.
Revenge Porn
Launching from Safeline, revenge porn is the activity of intentionally spreading someone's sexual photos or videos online without the consent of the person who owns the photo or video. This kind of action usually aims to damage the victim's life in the real world to humiliate him because of the motive of revenge.
In the UK in October 2020, it was revealed that there were 541 cases of children and adults becoming victims of revenge porn.