Crazy! This 16-Year-Old Hacker Earns USD 14 million in Assets


A 16-year-old teenager was accused of being a hacker kingpin, and even being one of the leaders of a cybercriminal gang called Lapsus$. Crazy again according to sources, he is estimated to have made a total of USD 14 million.

As quoted by us from the BBC, London police have investigated 7 teenagers connected to the group. However, they did not explain which teenager was the leader.

Under the pseudonyms White and Breachbase, the teenager, who is reported to be autistic, has been identified as the group's main mastermind. Lapsus$ is classified as a new hacker group, but has succeeded in breaking into the systems of giant companies like Microsoft, then showing it off in cyberspace so that they become famous.

The teenager in question is known to be taking special education at Oxford. His parents had actually tried to keep him away from the computer after finding out what he was doing.

"Seven people between the ages of 16 and 21 have been arrested in connection with the hacking group investigation. They have all been released and are still being investigated," London police said.

The teenager's father admitted his son was very smart. "He never talks about hacking, but he is very smart about computers and spends a lot of time on computers. I think he is playing games," said the father.

Security experts have been trying to track down this teenage hacker for almost a year, and have then linked him to several high-profile hacks.

His identity was revealed, reportedly because of a problem with a business partner. His name, address, and photo were posted.

"After a few years, his wealth accumulated around USD 14 million. He was affiliated with a ransomware hacker group called Lapsus$, where they had attacked several organizations," his biography reads.

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