Develop Interpersonal Intelligence To Succeed in the World of Work, Here's How!


Have you ever met a team or group of people who were difficult for you to work with? Not infrequently, these people hinder your group's performance. The ability to cooperate, respect and understand each other and the ability to organize a group are interpersonal intelligences that are important to develop.

The ability in interpersonal intelligence that you can develop and use appropriately can be useful in everyday life, especially in the world of work. Because basically, a job requires a lot of people who can work together.

The existence of social interaction between one another can cause friction if it is not done properly. Therefore, let's identify what abilities are classified as interpersonal intelligence below!

Communication Ability

Communication skills are classified as abilities that reflect someone's interpersonal intelligence. Communication skills are useful in the world of work because through communication, you can more easily establish a relationship with someone, easily convey information, negotiate, and have the ability to persuade.

Communication skills are not only limited to verbal, but also non-verbal such as attitudes, body language and writing. By having good communication skills, you will also be able to understand your co-workers better and put yourself in the right position when you have to interact.

Problem Solving

When working in the world of work, of course, you will be faced with various problems. Starting from work problems to relationships with coworkers. Problem solving skills are related to analytical, critical, logical thinking as well as being tenacious when encountering problems so that you can solve the problem.

This ability will be very useful in the world of work because it will make you a person who is full of solutions and full of ideas that can make you and other colleagues able to solve problems.

Leadership or Leadership

Leadership is an ability related to how to lead or direct a group. This is difficult to do if you don't understand the character of each person and how to direct them. But if you are successful, you can easily become actively involved in a group at work.

These abilities are complex and include several other skills that are useful in the world of work. So, if you can develop and hone these skills, you can also develop other skills such as problem solving, communication, empathy and leadership itself.

After knowing 3 of the several abilities that are classified as interpersonal intelligence as well as their benefits in the world of work, now you also need to know how to develop interpersonal intelligence. Come on, see!

Increase Your Potential

The first thing you need to know is to know yourself. What are your weaknesses and what are your strengths. If you feel that an example of behavior that reflects good interpersonal intelligence is in you, then you just need to develop it.

Meanwhile, if the examples of behavior above are your weaknesses, then you have to hone them. Expand social activities that can support you to develop these abilities.

Practice Communication

The main thing that you need to develop in the world of work related to interpersonal intelligence is communication skills. Practice and continually evaluate your communication skills. The way is to increase public speaking activities, be active in discussions and express opinions, discuss more and exchange ideas so that you are slowly getting used to practicing expressing opinions and ideas.

Expand Association

How can socializing with people improve interpersonal intelligence? It turns out that the more people you get to know, the more characters you will meet. That's what causes you to be able to understand people with various characters better. That way, you can better understand other people's characters.

Come on, practice skills that can improve interpersonal intelligence to make you more successful in the world of work!

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