Don't be deceived by love, this is a sign of a man who only uses you!

 As a woman, you have to be careful in choosing a partner. Don't just because of love, you are stunned and can be used by men. As women, we also have to use logic over feelings so we don't take advantage of it.

Here are the signs that a man is only taking advantage of you. Let's look at the following complete information.

1. Not Always There for You

The first sign a man is only using you is that he is not always there for you. He will only say hello and call you when he needs or when he is bored.

However, when you need him or want to spend time with him, he suddenly disappears, even with a lot of excuses. When he gets what he wants or someone more than you, then he will not hesitate to leave your life easily!

2. is closed

Being closed is one of the signs that he is only using you. A man who is not sincere in the relationship, then he will not share any personal information with you.

In addition, he will not care and do not want to get to know you more deeply. Because stories about personal things can bring each other closer and he doesn't want that.

3. Frequently Ordering and Asking for Excessive Help

In a relationship we must help each other, even to fellow human beings. However, if you have a lover who always orders and asks for extra help, then you may just be used by him.

He may approach you because he just wants to take advantage of you and he knows that you will definitely help him. That's one sign of a man who doesn't love you, he's just taking advantage of your kindness.

4. Easily Angry

If your partner is angry when you refuse or disobey his wishes, then he is just taking advantage of you. Because, if he really loves you he shouldn't have the heart to make you sick or sad.

Therefore, if he is often angry with you just because his wishes are not fulfilled, it is a sign that he does not love you and is only taking advantage of you. Duh, what a red flag, better leave immediately!

5. His Attention Is Not On You

When you're on a date with him, where does his attention go? If he is busy playing on his cellphone or looking around, then he is not serious and could just take advantage of you.

Because, if he is interested in you then his attention will be on you. He will not focus on his cellphone, scrolling social media and so on. When you are with you, your soul and mind should also be focused and pay attention to you, right?

Well you, that's the signs that men only use you. Therefore, as a woman, don't be easily carried away by men. We also have to use our logic in putting our feelings in order to choose the right partner for us. Hope it is useful!

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