Don't be lazy anymore, these 5 ways help start the day being more enthusiastic and productive


It is undeniable that sometimes there are times when we are haunted by a feeling of being lazy or lazy to move to start the day. Especially if you have previously gone through strenuous activities and still have to do the same routine the next day.

Every now and then, it's okay to let the feeling of stagnation be okay. But don't let the feeling of laziness be left too long so as not to disrupt the responsibilities or plans that must be done.

For that, you have to find a way so that feeling lazy does not interfere so that you can start the day being more enthusiastic and productive. So, how to start the day with enthusiasm and productivity without being affected by feeling lazy? Check out the following 5 ways, come on!


Apart from being a form of obligation in a religion, worship can also be a way of giving thanks to the Creator. By worshiping, you can also pray asking God Almighty to always be given health, strength, and ability to get through the day and its challenges.

In addition, worship and prayer can also make you feel more calm and peaceful. Of course this is needed as a source of enthusiasm to start the day and activities.


To start the day full of enthusiasm, one of them is obtained from a healthy and fit body. In order to get a fit body, you can exercise in the morning before your activity.

Many choices of light exercise that you can try in the morning, such as yoga, leisurely walks, to running for 15 minutes are also sufficient. It would be even better if it is done outside the house, so that you can breathe the cool morning air and refresh the body.


Another thing that can be done to increase enthusiasm in starting the day to be productive is to read. You can read anything, such as self-improvement books, news, encouraging quotes or scriptures.

Reporting from Healthline, reading is beneficial for health, both physically and mentally. By reading, you can improve and strengthen the cognitive abilities of the brain, increase the ability in empathy, increase vocabulary, and reduce stress.


Launching from detikEdu, skipping breakfast can affect brain function decline. According to a nutritionist from Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Mirza Hapsari Sakti Titis Penggalih, S.Gz., MPH., RD., explained that breakfast is important because it can be a source of energy or a provider of fuel for the body during activities during the day.

By having breakfast is also beneficial to improve the cognitive function of the brain and improve concentration. The right time for breakfast is no later than 9 am, huh!

Always Remember The Goals You Want To Achieve

The last tip you can try to control your sense of laziness is to always remember the goals or goals you want to achieve in life. For example, having a dream house and kitchen, getting a job, or for those of you who are struggling to complete education can also be used as a reminder when lazy strikes.

Good luck and don't be lazy!

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