Earthlings Please Be Prepared, The Age of the Sun is Predicted to Live Long Again!


The world's researchers always seem to have a thirst for knowledge. Recently, there was a study that found out the age of the Sun. Previously, the Sun itself was predicted to be 4.6 billion years old, but recent research says that the Sun will live up to 10 billion years.

Even so, the Sun will experience several phases of death. It is said that at the age of 5 billion years, the size of the Sun will shrink outside and enlarge until it reaches Mars. In other words, the Sun will take over the Earth in the process of its death.

However, that would only happen if the Earth was still around. Because, the age of the Earth itself is predicted to be only about 1 billion years from now. The results of this study are different from the results of existing research in 2018.

In 2018, a research team predicted that when the Sun dies, the nebula will become a glowing bubble of gas and dust.

"When a star dies, it releases gas and dust known as a shroud into space. The shroud can reach half of the star's mass. This will reveal a stellar core that at this point is still running, runs out of fuel, and then dies," said one. author of the paper from the University of Manchester and astrophysicist Albert Ziljstar, quoted by Science Alert, Wednesday (16/3/2022).

Furthermore, according to Ziljstar, within the next 10 thousand years, it is predicted that there will be a shining shroud that comes out of the hot core of the Sun. That's when the Nebula will be visible. It is said that when the sun dies, the citizens of Earth will not notice it immediately.

There will be an 8.5 minute pause that makes them think that the day will turn into night forever. In addition to the predictions above, there are several other predictions that you must consider.

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