Easy Loh! How to Calculate the Excel Summation Formula

 Do you know? that how to calculate the Excel summation formula is very easy. There are at least two tricks that can be done. So what?

If you are a Microsoft Office user, you must know that Excel has a variety of formulas embedded in it. Starting from doing multiplication, subtraction or how to calculate the average formula and so on.

But unfortunately, here we will not discuss one by one. Because the focus this time, knowing how to calculate the Excel summation formula. Let's consider the following simple and brief explanation.

How to Calculate the Excel Summation Formula

For how to calculate Excel's own summation formula, there are at least two options. Based on our experience of trying it, you can take advantage of + and SUM, in an effort to get the end result from the set of numbers available.

1. How to Calculate Excel Summation Formula with SUM

Log in to Microsoft Excel, you can find it in Windows search tools.

Log in and select Blank Workbook, if you want to select a blank file or you can select existing data.

When using the previous data, then when the file is opened, you will see a row of numbers that already fill ROW (a row in the worksheet that is horizontal from right to left, marked with numbers 1,2,3 and so on) or COLUMN (the opposite of ROW marked by A, B, C and so on).

Then select CELL (a meeting place of a combination of ROW and COLUMN such as B6 or C7), which is below or next to the last number.

Write the formula = SUM and click the tab to select it.

Then drag the desired RANGE (Combination or group of several CELLs). For example A2: A7. So the complete form = SUM (A2: A7).

Enter and the end result will come out.

2. How to Calculate the Excel Summation Formula with +

Follow the first four steps on how to calculate the Excel summation formula with SUM.

Then for the formula, just write = followed by CELL and insert the + (plus) symbol. So the picture is like this = A2+A3+A4+A5+A6 ..... and so on.

Enter and the end result will come out.

That's simple and short steps, on how to calculate the Excel summation formula. Hope it is useful to you.

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